Rabu, 01 Mei 2013



Penerjemahan merupakan proses mengalihbahasa atau mengaliheja secara tulisan suatu bahasa ke bahasa lain tanpa mengubah pesan yang ingin disampaikan. Walaupun terjadi perubahan bentuk (frasa, klausa, kalimat dan paragraf). Seperti yang ditulis Nida dan Taber (12:1974)
sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan Teks khusus adalah Teks yang memungkinkan dokumen-informasi yang berisi kata-kata yang lebih formal atau resmi . Contoh-contoh teks khusus misalnya KTP,IJAZAH,KK dan dokumen penting lainnya.
Setelah mengetahui definisi penerjemahan teks khusus diatas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam proses penerjemahan teks khusus merupakan proses menerjemahkan tulisan yang bersifat formal dan diisi dengan kata-kata yang resmi yang digunakan dalam dokumen tertentu, misalnya KTP, IJAZAH, KK, dan dokumen yang diresmikan lainnya

terjemahkan IZASAH


School Year: 2008/2009

The undersigned, Headmaster of The Private Senior High School “SMA Negeri 7” certifies that:
Name                                                    :
place and date of birth                           :
name of parent                                      :
name of senior high school                     :
student registration number                    :
participant number                                 :


from the senior high school  based on  the results of the School and National Examinations and has fulfilled all criteria  pursuant to the applicable regulations.

Jakarta, 16 Juni 2009
[stamped & signed ]

Sabtu, 06 April 2013

tugas softskill


Identification Number     : 3276055612910006
Name                            : Genuk Apik Primula
City/Date of Birth          : Jakarta/December 16th, 1991
Sex                              : Female
Address                        : Terogong Rata St.
     Rt/Rw                      : 011/007
     Country                    : Jakarta
     Subdistrict               : Gandaria - selatan
Religion                        : Islam
Occupation                   : Student
Blood Type                   : -
Marital Status                : Unmarried
Nationality                     : Indonesia
Expiry                           : December, 16th 2014

Signature/Fingerprint     Head of Sub-District/ Head of Village

Genuk Apik Primula

The Crying Stone

In a small village, a girl lives with her mother. The girl is very beautiful. Everyday she puts make-up and wears her best clothes. She doesn’t like to help her mother work in a field. The girl is very lazy.

One day, the mother asks the girl to accompany her to go to the market to buy some food. At first the girl refuses, but the mother persuades her by saying they are going to buy new clothes. The girl finally agrees. But she asks her mother to walk behind her. She doesn’t want to walk side by side with her mother. Although her mother is very sad, she agrees to walk behind her daughter.

On the way to the market, everybody admires the girl’s beauty. They are also curious. Behind the beautiful girl, there is an old woman with a simple dress. The girl and her mother look very different!

“Hello, pretty lady. Who is the woman behind you?” asks them.

“She is my servant,” answers the girl.

The mother is very sad, but she doesn’t say anything.

The girl and the mother meet other people. Again they ask who the woman behind the beautiful girl. Again the girl answers that her mother is her servant. She always says that her mother is her servant every time they meet people.

At last, the mother cannot hold the pain anymore. She prays to God to punish her daughter. God answers her prayer. Slowly, the girl’s leg turns into stone. The process continues to the upper part of the girl’s body. The girl is very panicky.

“Mother, please forgive me!” she cries and ask her mother to forgive her.

But it’s too late. Her whole body finally becomes a big stone. Until now people still can see tears falling down the stone. People then call it the crying stone or batu menangis.

tugas softskill


Identification Number     : 3276055612910006
Name                            : Genuk Apik Primula
City/Date of Birth          : Jakarta/December 16th, 1991
Sex                              : Female
Address                        : Terogong Rata St.
     Rt/Rw                      : 011/007
     Country                    : Jakarta
     Subdistrict               : Gandaria - selatan
Religion                        : Islam
Occupation                   : Student
Blood Type                   : -
Marital Status                : Unmarried
Nationality                     : Indonesia
Expiry                           : December, 16th 2014

Signature/Fingerprint     Head of Sub-District/ Head of Village

Genuk Apik Primula

The Crying Stone

In a small village, a girl lives with her mother. The girl is very beautiful. Everyday she puts make-up and wears her best clothes. She doesn’t like to help her mother work in a field. The girl is very lazy.

One day, the mother asks the girl to accompany her to go to the market to buy some food. At first the girl refuses, but the mother persuades her by saying they are going to buy new clothes. The girl finally agrees. But she asks her mother to walk behind her. She doesn’t want to walk side by side with her mother. Although her mother is very sad, she agrees to walk behind her daughter.

On the way to the market, everybody admires the girl’s beauty. They are also curious. Behind the beautiful girl, there is an old woman with a simple dress. The girl and her mother look very different!

“Hello, pretty lady. Who is the woman behind you?” asks them.

“She is my servant,” answers the girl.

The mother is very sad, but she doesn’t say anything.

The girl and the mother meet other people. Again they ask who the woman behind the beautiful girl. Again the girl answers that her mother is her servant. She always says that her mother is her servant every time they meet people.

At last, the mother cannot hold the pain anymore. She prays to God to punish her daughter. God answers her prayer. Slowly, the girl’s leg turns into stone. The process continues to the upper part of the girl’s body. The girl is very panicky.

“Mother, please forgive me!” she cries and ask her mother to forgive her.

But it’s too late. Her whole body finally becomes a big stone. Until now people still can see tears falling down the stone. People then call it the crying stone or batu menangis.

tugas softskill


Identification Number     : 3276055612910006
Name                            : Genuk Apik Primula
City/Date of Birth          : Jakarta/December 16th, 1991
Sex                              : Female
Address                        : Terogong Rata St.
     Rt/Rw                      : 011/007
     Country                    : Jakarta
     Subdistrict               : Gandaria - selatan
Religion                        : Islam
Occupation                   : Student
Blood Type                   : -
Marital Status                : Unmarried
Nationality                     : Indonesia
Expiry                           : December, 16th 2014

Signature/Fingerprint     Head of Sub-District/ Head of Village

Genuk Apik Primula

The Crying Stone

In a small village, a girl lives with her mother. The girl is very beautiful. Everyday she puts make-up and wears her best clothes. She doesn’t like to help her mother work in a field. The girl is very lazy.

One day, the mother asks the girl to accompany her to go to the market to buy some food. At first the girl refuses, but the mother persuades her by saying they are going to buy new clothes. The girl finally agrees. But she asks her mother to walk behind her. She doesn’t want to walk side by side with her mother. Although her mother is very sad, she agrees to walk behind her daughter.

On the way to the market, everybody admires the girl’s beauty. They are also curious. Behind the beautiful girl, there is an old woman with a simple dress. The girl and her mother look very different!

“Hello, pretty lady. Who is the woman behind you?” asks them.

“She is my servant,” answers the girl.

The mother is very sad, but she doesn’t say anything.

The girl and the mother meet other people. Again they ask who the woman behind the beautiful girl. Again the girl answers that her mother is her servant. She always says that her mother is her servant every time they meet people.

At last, the mother cannot hold the pain anymore. She prays to God to punish her daughter. God answers her prayer. Slowly, the girl’s leg turns into stone. The process continues to the upper part of the girl’s body. The girl is very panicky.

“Mother, please forgive me!” she cries and ask her mother to forgive her.

But it’s too late. Her whole body finally becomes a big stone. Until now people still can see tears falling down the stone. People then call it the crying stone or batu menangis.